Tony Moly's Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack

I first heard about Tomatox Magic Massage Pack through my friend Haidee. She told me that this product works really well so I got interested and tried it out. The result is that it became one of my favorite skin care products.

How to use?

Wash your face in your usual routine. Pat it dry with a towel and apply a generous amount of cream. Massage he cream in a circular upper motion on your face for a couple of minutes. Let it stand for 10-15 mins. Using a damp cotton pad a gently remove the cream on your face. Rinse off excess mask on your face with a lukewarm  water. Dry your face and apply your toner and moisturizer as usual.

How does it feels on your face?

At first it's a little itchy and almost the same feeling of having a mint on your skin but it's normal. Just make sure you passed the patch test before using the product thoroughly.

Why I love this product?

I love the result even the first time I have tried tomatox. It instantly whitens my skin and lighten my red spots. My skin felt smooth and soft as well. I also love the scent of it.

Do I recommend this product?

I sure do recommend it. Try using it and like me you'll be surprise with the result. 
